Slower is stronger.
Gentle and fluid are the new advanced.
CLASSES At a Glance
SU 10:30 AM Restorative Yoga w/ Erica
SU 5:30 PM Relax + Restore w/ Philippe
MO-TU-WE-FR 5:30 PM Erica’s classic Ashtanga / Iyengar / somatic / Critical Alignment Therapy classes
MO-TU-WE-FR 7:30 PM Erica's functional movement / stretch + strengthen / Critical Alignment Therapy / somatic classes
TH 7:30 PM Stretch + Unwind w/ Carrie
MO 5:30 PM w/ Dave Haddock
TH 5:30 PM w/ Nancy Meagher
SA 9:15 AM w/ Nancy Meagher​​
SA 11 AM w/ Susie Anne Barsch
NOV 11 Restorative
JAN 1​ Sankalpa
FRIDAYS At a Glance
w/ Dave Haddock w/ Dave Haddock​​
March 21 • May 16 (7 pm)
April 4
May 9
July 4
Holotropic-Style Breathwork
w/ Lonnie Powell, Philippe Mouchet​
April 11
May 23
June 27
July 25
Breathwork + Sound Therapy
w/ Philippe Mouchet​
March 28
April 2
June 13
July 11
w/ Nancy Meagher • April 18
March 14 • June 20
April 25
May 30
Humane Society International, Soi Dog Foundation
Four-Paws International, PASA, Orangutan Project
Territorio de Zaguates, Mercy for Animals, Action for Dolphins, Mae Bachur Animal Shelter
Little Footprints Big Steps, Avaaz
2024 - $2,775 / 2023 – $3,200 / 2022 – $1,500 2021 – $3,000 / 2020 – $3,130 / 2019 – $3,500 2018 – $15,000 /. 2017 – $2,300 / 2016 – $3,800 2015 – $3,900 / 2014 – $4,400 / 2013 – $5,400

Erica Heuer — started Iyengar yoga in 1994 with senior Iyengar teachers Barbara Ross, David McAmmond, Felicity Green + Rodney Yee. Ten years in, Vipassana meditation and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga opened new worlds including a six-year apprenticeship with Iain Grysak, RYT training with Richard Freeman, Tim Miller and Mark Darby, and, study with Kino McGregor, David Williams, David Swenson and Jeff Mah. All this led, in 2007, to teaching, which she delights in. Lifetime studies in movement, spiritual inquiry, natural health are ongoing and include: Restorative and vitality yogas, Critical Alignment Therapy, Qigong, breath science + breathwork, the healing powers of sound, herbalism, and the teachings of many, in particular, Ram Dass.

Philippe Mouchet — Certified Oxygen Advantage instructor, breathing and wellness re-set coach, sound medicine practitioner, long-time yoga + movement practitioner, Wim Hof practitioner, backcountry skier + spiritual explorer. Contact: malbacph(at)hotmail.com

Nancy Meagher — After decades of regular and irregular yoga practice across many styles, I came upon kundalini in 2012 and fell in love. I started practicing at RA MA Institute for Applied Yogic Science and Technology in 2015 and have had the opportunity to study with many, including Gurujas, Harijiwan, Tej and Gurmukh. I love how kundalini yoga incorporates music, mantra, breathwork, movement and meditation. It has had a significant impact on my life particularly in balancing stress and vitality. I aim for a relaxed vibe that stimulates the mind and gives an opportunity for strong physical practice, invigorating breathwork, deep meditation and sound. Contact: whitehorsekundalini(at)gmail.com

Dave Haddock — I've practiced yoga through different lineages – from Iyengar, Ashtanga, Bikram (hot), and most recently Kundalini Yoga. Here is where the worlds of music and yoga come together. Because of my deep background in music (I've performed locally for over 40 years), the teachings and practice of Kundalini Yoga have taken hold of me. With focus on the vibration of the sound current, rhythmic movements of the body with powerful breath and the use of mantra in meditation, I've met my match. I bring my love of the practice to class, and inspiration and encouragement as the yoga presents challenges and brings fun to the pursuit of our true natures, opening our hearts, building resilience, quieting the mind, and balancing the psyche. Contact: dave(at)davehaddock.com

Lonnie Powell — Is on a continued spiritual healing journey, navigating ongoing patterns of addiction and trauma for close to 30 years via rhythm and music. Currently serving the Whitehorse mental wellness community through integrated, inclusive drumming and therapeutic sound and vibration workshops in various incarnations and settings. Drumming has been my passion for 50+ years – the last 20 years exploring collective drumming and sound to help connect community, and for anxiety management, relaxation and joy for self and others alike. I am currently employed by YG in housing and addictions supports. I have a PhD in life experience. Plant medicine and alternative wellness practices are part of my picture since my first trip into the Amazon jungle in 2012. The transformation powers of drumming and holotropic breathwork – facilitated by none other than Stanislav Grof himself – in community in group settings came to my awareness attending the Psychedelic Conference in Oakland California where I and multiple others present (over 100 participants) experienced huge shifts in energies through that breathwork . I continue as a psychonaut and rhythmic explorer for joy and wellness for friends, family, audiences and community overall • Rhythms of Recovery . ICDC Level 2 Facilitator • Master Rhythmatist

Carrie Ekholm — I am a 200 RYT certified yoga instructor through South Okanagan Yoga Academy (SOYA). My classes focus on stretching + strengthening with mindful movement, proper alignment, and breath control, helping you to build strength, flexibility, and inner peace. I have a passion for promoting well-being with through the physical and mental benefits yoga offers.

Susie Anne Barsch — brings her Nia back to Whitehorse after several years of big life shifts. Having just completed her Nia Green Belt this summer she is excited to bring joy of movement back to the Nia community, old and new.
Classes for better health, performance, aging, self-regulation, self-study, catharsis, ecstasis, spiritual growth + communitas. Usually 1.5 hr (90 mins). Mats to borrow – yes.
Advance registration and e-transfer payment for the full session secures your spot and gives you the best price. Register with an email, and wait for e-transfer instruction.
7-week session: $98 • 8-week session: $112
DROP INS welcome: $18
10-Class Pass (for Erica’s classes only): $150
7 weeks . $98 or 8 weeks . $112
Advance sessional registration required
unless otherwise stated in description.
Drop-ins, $18, welcome to classes
not marked as FULL. Thank you.
MO 5:30-7 pm . Radiance Yoga w/ Dave . 7 wks . $98
Kriyas (exercise and breath series), chanting mantras, and meditations all focus on awareness of life energy throughout the body. These practices bring a sense of calm, strength, vitality and balance to the system. With Dave Haddock. Please pre-register: dave(at)davehaddock.com and "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com
7:30-9 pm . Hips Hams Core – All Levels . 7 wks . $98
Strong stretchy strengthening classes with an emphasis on breath and “slower is stronger”. Designed to increase core strength; stabilize, strengthen and open hips; and safely regain hamstring mobility. Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com
TU 5:30-7 pm . Level 2 – Intermediate Asana . 7 wks . $98
Less teach, more flow – plumb the depths of breath, alignment, form, strength, mobility, flexibility and fluidity in a wide range of familiar + new poses – standing, seated, inverted, balances, always with an eye to moving from, and into, the central channel. Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com
7:30-9 pm . Stretch + Unwind w/ Carrie . 7 wks . $98
Mindful stretching to enhance flexibility. Gentle poses will help release tight muscles, increase mobility, and calm your mind. For all levels. Slow down, connect with your breath, and leave feeling relaxed and restored. Good for absolute beginners. Please pre-register: carrie.ekholm(at)gmail.com + "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com
WE 5:30-7 pm . Level 1 – Some Experience Asana . 7 wks . $98
Familiar with Sun Salutation A+ B, foundational poses like Samastithih (Tadasana), triangle (Trikonasana), extended side angle (Parsvakonasana), Warriors 1 + 2 (Virabhadrasanas)? We deepen our relationship to known poses and use them to find the principles of core strength, breath-related strength and alignment, and the intelligent movement universal to yoga and all life activities. We then use these to explore new poses. Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com
7:30-9 pm . Better Backs Hips Hams Core – All Levels . 7 wks . $98
Functional movement, Critical Alignment Therapy, somatic work, and mainly floor-supported therapeutic stretch and strengthen for healing and hips like honey. Yum yum. Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com
TH 5:30-7 pm . Kundalini Yoga w/ Nancy . 7 wks . $98
We use movement, breathwork, meditation and sound to balance the nervous and glandular systems for increased vitality and wellness. With Nancy Meagher.
Please pre-register: whitehorsekundalini(at)gmail.com + "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com
7:30-9 pm . Community Drum Circle . Drop-in . By donation
Community drum circle with Lonnie Powell, Dave Haddock, and friends. Don't need to know how to drum. Drums provided. Fun, cathartic, ecstatic. Great brain exercise. Great natural anti-depressant. Did we mention fun? So fun.
FR 5:30-7 pm . Slow Flow Resto – All Levels . 7 wks . $98
Stretch, flow + restore – a great way to end the week for a better weekend.
Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com
7:30-9 pm . SPECIAL EVENTS . $15-25
We offer: Sound Journeys, Power of Breath Live Music Holotropic-Style Breathwork, Cleansing the Energy Meridians Breathwork + Sound Journey, Chanting for Healing, and Ecstatic Dance. Scroll down through the schedule for dates and descriptions, or check out Fridays at a Glance, in the left-hand column.
SA 9-10:15 am . Kundalini w/ Nancy – All Levels . 7 wks . $98
Morning is a great time for Kundalini and really helps to start the day well. We use movement, breathwork, meditation and sound to balance the nervous and glandular systems for increased vitality and wellness. With Nancy Meagher. Please pre-register: whitehorsekundalini(at)gmail.com
11 am-12:30 pm . Nia w/ Susie Anne – All Levels . 7 wks . $98
Nia Technique is a holistic movement practice set to music that incorporates elements of dance, martial arts, and healing arts to bring together body and mind and spirit through the joy of moving. Please pre-register: susieannebartsch(at)gmail.com and "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com.
SU 10:30 am-Noon . Restorative Yoga – All Levels . 7 wks . $98 .
Restorative poses are long holds over supportive props in relaxing variations of back bends, forward folds and twists, to relax deeply into the privacy of your body for nervous system, structural, muscular, endocrine and emotional restoration. We start classes with other restorative modalities. Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com
5:30-7 pm . Relax + Restore w/ Philippe Mouchet . 7 wks . $98​
Restorative poses with long holds to open, relax and restore. Gentle guided breathing to re-set, open, relax and restore. Sound therapy to calm, cleanse, relax and restore. You get the drift ... you will leave feeling relaxed and restored : )
Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com​

MAR 14 . Friday
Chanting for Healing
with Nancy Meagher
7:30 - 9 PM . $15
Please pre-register. Thank you.
Chanting is an ancient practice across most cultures, and taps into the power of sound to create a deep sense of harmony and balance. Come experience the beauty and peace from repeated sound vibrations of mantra in a group environment. Intended to be a very restful evening, we will do a short warm up at the start, and have a savasana at the end. You can participate or simply relax in the sound. All abilities of body and voice are welcome and encouraged. Chairs are available.
This session's mantra: Aad Guray Namay

MAR 21 . Friday
Sound Journey
with Dave Haddock
7:20 - 9:30 PM . $25
Please pre-register. Thank you.
An experience of aural and vibrational flow conducive to release, healing, relaxation and meditation. Come in comfortable clothes. We have mats, blankets, bolsters and more, but bring anything special you want in the way of blanket, shawl, meditation cushion, to lie or sit for an hour-plus immersion in crystal bowls, singing bowls, gong, hand pans, tuning forks, crystal pyramid, bells, percussion and voice.​

MAR 28 . Friday
Cleansing the
Energy Meridians
Transpersonal Breath +
Sound Therapy together
with Philippe Mouchet
7:20 - 9:30 PM . $25
A gentler version of breathwork in that two short breathwork sections – to open the energy channels – marry with the therapeutic vibrations of two sound journeys featuring shruti, didge, jaw harp, and drum, and ocean drum, gong, flute, singing bowls and chimes.
Transpersonal breathing, simply, is constant breathing at a pace and depth that works for you, with emphasis on the inhale, expanding the diaphragm, so the exhale can be a release of the diaphragm. This breathing opens the meridians or energy channels of your body and changes the chemistry of your body. Examples range from tumo (Wim Hof) to firebreath or kriya variations in yoga, pranayama, qigong. Also known as conscious connected breathing, holotropic breathing, breath of bliss, and many more.
Sound vibration is proven to have a powerful effect on our minds and bodies. Research shows sound healing can slow down our brainwaves and put our bodies in a very relaxed, dreamlike state, and help with physical and mental health conditions and pain.
Sessions are led by Philippe Mouchet. Philippe discovered the power of focussed or intentional breathing in 2010 through Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and pranayama, and the Wim Hof Method. Breath became the focus of all his pursuits as he personally experienced it enhance self-awareness, upgrade his health and physiology, release mental, emotional and physical blockages, and elevate mood. Philippe is an Oxygen Advantage instructor (oxygenadvantage.com). He teaches a variety of breathwork including Kundalini kriya, pranayama, Buteyko exercises, and the Wim Hof Method. Breathwork led him to his second passion — sound and vibration – which he has practiced from the mountaintops of the Yukon to the Himalayas of Nepal and the combination of which is very good medicine indeed.
Breath is the sound of life in the body.
Sound is the vibration of life in the universe.

APR 4 . Friday
Sound Journey
with Dave Haddock
7:20 - 9:30 PM . $25
Please pre-register. Thank you.
An experience of aural and vibrational flow conducive to release, healing, relaxation and meditation. Come in comfortable clothes. We have mats, blankets, bolsters and more, but bring anything special you want in the way of blanket, shawl, meditation cushion, to lie or sit for an hour-plus immersion in crystal bowls, singing bowls, gong, hand pans, tuning forks, crystal pyramid, bells, percussion and voice.​

APR 11 . Friday
Live Music
Power of Breath
with Lonnie Powell,
Philippe Mouchet + Erica
7:20 - 9:30 PM . $25
Please pre-register. Thank you.
"No one ever died from breathing."
"The doorway to your soul is your breath."
Power of Breath is accelerated, rhythmic breathing sustained over 1 1/4 hours, in a safe setting. Your life holds unlimited potential for growth. Nature teaches us that in order to grow, the old must first be released into the endless cycle of death and rebirth. If you are ready for change and in need of some inspiration, come breathe with us.
Based on breathwork that occurs in all cultures and many practices ancient and modern – among others Kundalini, indigenous breathwork, Dr. Stanislav Grof’s famous holotropic breathwork, Soma Breathwork, Transpersonal Breathwork, Dreamwise Breathwork, and so many more versions – holotropic means “moving towards wholeness” – the breathing ultimately quiets and empties your mind, giving you access to natural inner healing of your psyche; shifts in your life force and energetics: insights into yourself and the universe; access to solutions and creativity. These sessions are a collaboration between you the breather, and the musicians creating the evocative music that first keeps you breathing, and then supports your post-breathing experience.

Sacred Life
Ecstatic Dance
7:30 - 9 PM . $15
​Tonight's theme: EMERGENT. Yum. We open with a collective exercise to get out of mind and into skin, breath, hair, fluidity; into that special kind of catharsis and joy dancing like crazy brings. Consider it a date, self-date, exploration, medicine, or ... escape!

APR 25 . Friday
Chanting for Healing
with Nancy Meagher
7:30 - 9 PM . $15
Please pre-register. Thank you.
Chanting is an ancient practice across most cultures, and taps into the power of sound to create a deep sense of harmony and balance. Come experience the beauty and peace from repeated sound vibrations of mantra in a group environment. Intended to be a very restful evening, we will do a short warm up at the start, and have a savasana at the end. You can participate or simply relax in the sound. All abilities of body and voice are welcome and encouraged. Chairs are available.
This session's mantra:

MAY 2 . Friday
Cleansing the
Energy Meridians
Transpersonal Breath +
Sound Therapy together
with Philippe Mouchet
7:20 - 9:30 PM . $25
A gentler version of breathwork in that two short breathwork sections – to open the energy channels – marry with the therapeutic vibrations of two sound journeys featuring shruti, didge, jaw harp, and drum, and ocean drum, gong, flute, singing bowls and chimes.
Transpersonal breathing, simply, is constant breathing at a pace and depth that works for you, with emphasis on the inhale, expanding the diaphragm, so the exhale can be a release of the diaphragm. This breathing opens the meridians or energy channels of your body and changes the chemistry of your body. Examples range from tumo (Wim Hof) to firebreath or kriya variations in yoga, pranayama, qigong. Also known as conscious connected breathing, holotropic breathing, breath of bliss, and many more.
Sound vibration is proven to have a powerful effect on our minds and bodies. Research shows sound healing can slow down our brainwaves and put our bodies in a very relaxed, dreamlike state, and help with physical and mental health conditions and pain.
Sessions are led by Philippe Mouchet. Philippe discovered the power of focussed or intentional breathing in 2010 through Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and pranayama, and the Wim Hof Method. Breath became the focus of all his pursuits as he personally experienced it enhance self-awareness, upgrade his health and physiology, release mental, emotional and physical blockages, and elevate mood. Philippe is an Oxygen Advantage instructor (oxygenadvantage.com). He teaches a variety of breathwork including Kundalini kriya, pranayama, Buteyko exercises, and the Wim Hof Method. Breathwork led him to his second passion — sound and vibration – which he has practiced from the mountaintops of the Yukon to the Himalayas of Nepal and the combination of which is very good medicine indeed.
Breath is the sound of life in the body.
Sound is the vibration of life in the universe.

7 weeks . $98
Advance full-session registration
unless otherwise stated in description.
Drop-ins, $18, welcome to classes
not marked as FULL. Thank you.
MO 5:30-7 pm . Radiance Yoga w/ Dave . 7 wks . $98
Kriyas (exercise and breath series), chanting mantras, and meditations all focus on awareness of life energy throughout the body. These practices bring a sense of calm, strength, vitality and balance to the system. With Dave Haddock. Please pre-register: dave(at)davehaddock.com and "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com
TU 7:30-9 pm . Stretch + Unwind w/ Carrie . 7 wks . $98
Mindful stretchings enhance flexibility. Gentle poses help release tight muscles, increase mobility, and calm your mind. For all levels. Slow down, connect with your breath and leave feeling relaxed and restored. Pre-register: carrie.ekholm(at)gmail.com + "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com
TH 5:30-7 pm . Kundalini Yoga w/ Nancy . 7 wks . $98
We use movement, breathwork, meditation and sound to balance the nervous and glandular systems for increased vitality and wellness. With Nancy Meagher.
Please pre-register: whitehorsekundalini(at)gmail.com + "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com
7:20-9 pm . Community Drum Circle . Drop-in . By donation
Community drum circle with Lonnie Powell, Dave Haddock, and friends. Don't need to know how to drum. Drums provided. Fun, cathartic, ecstatic. Great brain exercise. Great natural anti-depressant. Did we mention fun? So fun.
FR 7:30-9 pm . SPECIAL EVENTS . $15-25
• MAY 2 . Cleansing the Energy Meridians of the Body (Breath + Sound) . $25
• MAY 9 . Sound Journey . $25
• MAY 16 . Kirtan . $15
• MAY 23 . Power of Breath Live! . $25
• MAY 30 . Chanting for Healing . $15
• JUN 13 . Cleansing the Energy Meridians of the Body (Breath + Sound) . $25
• JUN 20 . Solstice Sacred Ecstatic Dance . $15
Scroll through schedule below for descriptions.
SA 9-10:15 am . Kundalini w/ Nancy – All Levels . 6 wks. $98
Morning is a great time for Kundalini and really helps to start the day well. We use movement, breathwork, meditation and sound to balance the nervous and glandular systems for increased vitality and wellness. With Nancy Meagher. Please pre-register: whitehorsekundalini(at)gmail.com
11 am-12:30 pm . NIA w/ Susie Anne – All Levels . 7 wks . $98
NIA Technique is a holistic movement practice set to music that incorporates elements of dance, martial arts, and healing arts to bring together body, mind and spirit through the joy of moving. Please pre-register: susieannebartsch(at)gmail.com and "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com.
SU 5:30-7 pm . Relax + Restore w/ Philippe Mouchet . 5 wks . $100
Restorative poses with long holds to open, relax + restore. Gentle guided breathing to re-set, open, relax + restore. Sound therapy to calm, cleanse, relax + restore. You got it – you will leave feeling relaxed + restored : ) Pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com​

MAY 9 . Friday
Sound Journey
with Dave Haddock
7:20 - 9:30 PM . $25
Please pre-register. Thank you.
An experience of aural and vibrational flow conducive to release, healing, relaxation and meditation. Come in comfortable clothes. We have mats, blankets, bolsters and more, but bring anything special you want in the way of blanket, shawl, meditation cushion, to lie or sit for an hour-plus immersion in crystal bowls, singing bowls, gong, hand pans, tuning forks, crystal pyramid, bells, percussion and voice.​

MAY 16 . Friday
with Dave Haddock
7:30 - 9 PM . $15
Please pre-register. Thank you.
Sound vibration is central to our lives and to community practice in the yoga tradition.
Chant simple easy to learn sanskit and other mantras with a group. Offered and led by Dave Haddock in a spirit of communion in a call and answer singalong style accompanied with harmonium and rhythm. Come and be nurtured by the vibration of voices coming together. No experience necessary. Lyric sheets will be provided.
This session's mantra:

MAY 23 . Friday
Live Music
Power of Breath
with Lonnie Powell,
Philippe Mouchet + Erica
7:20 - 9:30 PM . $25
Please pre-register. Thank you.
"No one ever died from breathing."
"The doorway to your soul is your breath."
Power of Breath is accelerated, rhythmic breathing sustained over 1 1/4 hours, in a safe setting. Your life holds unlimited potential for growth. Nature teaches us that in order to grow, the old must first be released into the endless cycle of death and rebirth. If you are ready for change and in need of some inspiration, come breathe with us.
Based on breathwork that occurs in all cultures and many practices ancient and modern – among others Kundalini, indigenous breathwork, Dr. Stanislav Grof’s famous holotropic breathwork, Soma Breathwork, Transpersonal Breathwork, Dreamwise Breathwork, and so many more versions – holotropic means “moving towards wholeness” – the breathing ultimately quiets and empties your mind, giving you access to natural inner healing of your psyche; shifts in your life force and energetics: insights into yourself and the universe; access to solutions and creativity. These sessions are a collaboration between you the breather, and the musicians creating the evocative music that first keeps you breathing, and then supports your post-breathing experience.

MAY 30 . Friday
Chanting for Healing
with Nancy Meagher
7:30 - 9 PM . $15
Please pre-register. Thank you.
Chanting is an ancient practice across most cultures, and taps into the power of sound to create a deep sense of harmony and balance. Come experience the beauty and peace from repeated sound vibrations of mantra in a group environment. Intended to be a very restful evening, we will do a short warm up at the start, and have a savasana at the end. You can participate or simply relax in the sound. All abilities of body and voice are welcome and encouraged. Chairs are available.
This session's mantra:

JUN 13 . Friday
Cleansing the
Energy Meridians
Transpersonal Breath +
Sound Therapy together
with Philippe Mouchet
7:20 - 9:30 PM . $25
A gentler version of breathwork that marries two breathwork components to open the energy channels, to the vibrations of the two sound therapy journeys shruti, didge, jaw harp, and drum, and ocean drum, gong, flute, singing bowls and chimes.
Transpersonal breathing, simply, is constant breathing at a pace and depth that works for you, with emphasis on the inhale, expanding the diaphragm, so the exhale can be a release of the diaphragm. This breathing opens the meridians or energy channels of your body and changes the chemistry of your body. Examples range from tumo (Wim Hof) to firebreath or kriya variations in yoga, pranayama, qigong. Also known as conscious connected breathing, holotropic breathing, breath of bliss, and many more.
Sound vibration is proven to have a powerful effect on our minds and bodies. Research shows sound healing can slow down our brainwaves and put our bodies in a very relaxed, dreamlike state, and help with physical and mental health conditions and pain.
Sessions are led by Philippe Mouchet. Philippe discovered the power of focussed or intentional breathing in 2010 through Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and pranayama, and the Wim Hof Method. Breath became the focus of all his pursuits as he personally experienced it enhance self-awareness, upgrade his health and physiology, release mental, emotional and physical blockages, and elevate mood. Philippe is an Oxygen Advantage instructor (oxygenadvantage.com). He teaches a variety of breathwork including Kundalini kriya, pranayama, Buteyko exercises, and the Wim Hof Method. Breathwork led him to his second passion — sound and vibration – which he has practiced from the mountaintops of the Yukon to the Himalayas of Nepal and the combination of which is very good medicine indeed.
Breath is the sound of life in the body.
Sound is the vibration of life in the universe.

Sacred Solstice
Ecstatic Dance
7:30 - 9 PM . $15
​We open with a few exercises to get out of mind and into your skin, breath,
hair, fluidity and into that special kind of catharsis and joy dancing like crazy brings. Consider it either your Valentine's date, self-date, or ... escape!

7 weeks . $98
Advance full-session registration
unless otherwise stated in description.
Drop-ins, $18, welcome to classes
not marked as FULL. Thank you.
MO 7:30-9 pm . Hips Hams Core – All Levels . 6 wks . $84
Strong stretchy strengthening classes with an emphasis on breath and “slower is stronger”. Designed to increase core strength; stabilize, strengthen and open hips; and safely regain hamstring mobility. Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com
TU 5:30-7 pm . Stretch + Flow . 6 wks . $84
Less teach, more flow – plumb the depths of breath, alignment, form, strength, mobility, flexibility and fluidity in a wide range of familiar + new poses – standing, seated, inverted, balances, always with an eye to moving from, and into, the central channel. Please pre-register: wallymaltz(at)mac.com
WE 7:30-9 pm . Hips Like Honey . 6 wks . $84​
The name says it all. We focus on releasing stress, pent-up emotions, tightness, neglect, hard work ... whatever the reasons are for your tight hips, and strengthen the muscles and function around the joints, to safely increase range of motion. Lower, upper and mid back, and core benefit too. Great as therapy and maintenance. Will benefit all other activities.
TH 5:30-7 pm . Kundalini w/ Nancy . 6 wks . $98
We use movement, breathwork, meditation and sound to balance the nervous and glandular systems for increased vitality and wellness. With Nancy Meagher.
Please pre-register: whitehorsekundalini(at)gmail.com + "cc" wallymaltz(at)mac.com
FR 7:30-9 pm . SPECIAL EVENTS . $15-25
• JUN 27 . Power of Breath Live! . $25
• JUL 4 . Sound Journey . $25
• JUL 11 . Cleansing the Energy Meridians of the Body (Breath + Sound) . $25
• JUL 25 . Power of Breath Live! . $25
Scroll through schedule below for dates + descriptions.